NRC Aadhhaar Enrolment Processing, NRC Aadhaar Hold Case

NRC Aadhaar

Assam NRC Aadhaar Hold Case many people Aadhaar enrolment at the time of NEC but not get Aadhaar Card and not Approved in process. This Aadhaar Enrolment before Rejected after New Apply other ways Reject your New Application. Aadhaar is most important Digital identity Card. Now I do not any work without Aadhaar Card. Only one Aadhaar Card digital and physical Identity Proof in India.

How To Know My Aadhaar Status

If you don’t know follow this instruction very carefully. Go to Official link below and go to my Aadhaar section. then you click Check Aadhaar Status.

How To Download e-Aadhaar form UIDAI

Go to UIDAI Official website link below and then click hover My Aadhaar, Now you need to click Download Aadhaar. After download you can open your file but file is password protected. Don’t wary your file password is your first 4 character and DOB year. Example : Your name is Rahul Roy and Date of Birth 05-06-1998 then your Password is RAHU1998

If You Want Order PVC Aadhaar Card

Here is usefull link below

Check Aadhaar Enrolment Status Click Here

Download e-Aadhaar Click Here

Order Aadhaar PVC Card Click Here

Check Order Aadhaar PVC Card Status Click Here

NRC Aadhaar Hold Case in Assam

When start NRC in Assam they did not have the documents then Assam Government start Aadhaar Enrolment. Then some Aadhaar enrolments successfully approved and some NRC Aadhaar Enrolments hold and inprocess. To Know more Information and More Resolution Your Problems Click Here

How to Reject NRC Aadhhaar Enrolment

If you have Assam NRC Aadhaar Enrolment in Process, You write a E-Mail or Letter to below mentioned address with NRC ARN Number, UIDAI Aadhaar Acknowledgement copy and NRC Final Draft.

NRC Aadhaar Hold Case Email Address

Mail to Below Email Address

Letter Send to Below Office Address

The deputy secretary, Home and political dept. Govt. of Assam, Janata Bhawan
CM Block 3rd Floor, Dispur, Guwahati – 6
UIDAI Aadhaar Official Link For more information and Check all update details available on this site Click Here

NRC Aadhaar Hold Case

By Shahim Khan

Shahim Khan is the Founder & CEO at Shahim Khan is a YouTuber and Blogger. Shahim Khan is a Motivatinal Speaker, Shahim Khan is a Software Engineer. Shahim Khan was born in 1996. Shahim Khan from Assam, India